Morning thoughts

Wondering what to write about is a great source to experience blank space and void. I have been finding no inspirations, no shower ideas or eureka moments since the longest time. Probably because I have stopped writing. I have read several articles about how one should write everyday for at least half an hour to keep the creative juices flowing and so here I am trying to do that from precisely 2 days. This is my second day and I feel I am just blabbering around. lets see where it takes me.

Life in quarantine is not hard at all, especially if you are staying at a friends' place and the onus of the household chores is divided among 4 people. Its just a little boredom seeping in here and there from time to time and melancholy trying to make room every now and then. They are looking for fine cracks in a flimsily built wall of excitement and enthusiasm , always creeping in the background; waiting patiently for one moment where it can take a peek first and then slowly spread across the entire room like poisonous gas canister released. You have to keep your fort strong and not to succumb to any tactics of the mind and the devil. Sigh ! First world problems in a third world country.

While I write this disconnected array of thoughts,  a beautiful grey pigeon has flow in and stood magnificently at the edge of  my balcony - 3 feet away from me. I am amazed that it did not take detour on seeing me sitting in the balcony as birds usually do. Seems like I appear to be a very pleasant, charming person in the morning! or may be not a person at all ..just a statue from which he could sense no possible danger! Ha I am happy at this thought. Now the pigeon has departed after taking a quick rest and instead a sparrow has come in at the same spot.. a sparrow! Never seen one up so close unless hidden. This is a miracle. I never see crows here in Pune. There are abundant in Mumbai where I live and its a great relief not to hear their cacophony. I am only hearing chi-chi voices which lets me assume there are small and docile birds around my society.

 One should get up in the morning and observe nature in action. May be nature will throw some hint at you .... like I got an idea of practicing writing... to emulate a scene for paper I experience or see in as much detail as possible. For example, the  morning does my balcony look like, what view I see from the angle I am sitting in the balcony, what do I feel at this moment, a little background of the place ,time  and movement... this will help unclog and oil the rusted parts of the mind and with practice might ease out the flow.
