
Showing posts from February 19, 2012

The real taste of Life !

While remembering some real experiences of my life, I scanned the pages of my life real quick. Unable to figure out which one would I pick out, I decided to go with the one which came first to my mind. Yes, I could remember it now. A very rusty road leading to the 3 storeyed house of my chote nanajee. It was supposedly one of the first houses of the area and it stood majestically tall. Just opposite to the house was a well. Yes a well….which was too deep for us little kids to engulf for ever. And as a picturesque scenery, there was a Jamun Tree just by the well’s walls. The roots of the tree made the well’s base seem to me a little crooked and if it is coming out of the earth( rocky stones) in form a sine or cosine waves…Ofcourse, I didn’t know the terms then I was too young for these terms. The rest part of the area was dusty , earthy and only wild shrubs and plants adorned it. Anyways, I was always fascinated by this scenery watching it from the balcony. Once we cousins on a hot su...