
Showing posts from July 27, 2008

Hey no more Splitsvilla !!!

Another interview experience............ perspiring even in the air conditioner , flipping magazines (almost finished the stock), trying to grab tits of conversations from the passersby, observing ppl and sometimes just giving impatient expressions to the decider of my fate for changing my life for the next month or so....... hmnnn to having go through the mathematical test was a brainstorming session for me ......... whereas sir thought of me in brilliant shades (of being an engg i suppose)....... but the other part which was worrying me the more went away so smoothly.......... and finally when I heard him offering me the position of a trainee, counselor and coordinator at the same time......... In my mind were running applauses for having achieved a very minuscule and unimportant and simply not so grt and burning eyes profile........... I came home with so much excitement .......... but some part of me was reluctant to give up the leisurely life I was leading .......... The inertia ...